Hunterdon-Somerset Burglary Task Force Arrests Readington Man For Burglaries
Hunterdon County Prosecutor Anthony P. Kearns, III, Somerset
County Prosecutor Geoffrey Soriano, and Readington Township
Police Chief Sebastian Donaruma, announce the arrest of James
Defazio, age 32, of ReadingtonTownshipfor burglary, theft, and
weapons charges.
According to Readington Township Police Chief Donaruma, "During
the months of December and January, the Readington Police
Department investigated several residential burglaries.
Neighbouring jurisdictions also saw an increase in break-ins
during the same time period, so a burglary task force was formed
with the Hunterdon County Prosecutor's Office and several other
agencies. As detectives gathered intelligence and tips from the
public, a suspect was developed and surveillance was initiated.
On February 11th, the surveillance led police
toUnionTownship inHunterdonCounty where Mr. James Defazio was
observed in the act of committing a burglary. Readington Township
Officers and Task Force Members apprehended Mr. Defazio a short
distance from the scene and he was in possession of proceeds when
he was arrested."
ProsecutorKearnsadded, "After Mr. Defazio's arrest, a search warrant was executed at his residence and vehicle. Numerous items were located from several burglaries that occurred in Hunterdon andSomersetCounties. Also located was a .45 calibre handgun stolen from a residence inHillsboroughTownship."
Mr. Defazio was charged by Readington Township Police with Burglary, Receiving Stolen Property, and Certain Person Not to Posses a Firearm. The Honorable Stephen B. Rubin, J.S.C. set bail at $200,000. The New Jersey State Police also charged Defazio with Burglary and bail was set at $50,000. Additional charges are pending. Mr. Defazio is currently lodged in the Hunterdon County Jail.
Prosecutor Kearnsconcluded, "This is an excellent example of
agencies pooling resources in a coordinated effort which resulted
in the successful apprehension of an individual responsible for
numerous burglaries. I commend the work of all the agencies that
participated in the burglary task force. I would like to thank
Branchburg Township Police Chief Brian Fitzgerald, Hillsborough
Township Police Chief Paul Kaminsky, Bernards Township Police
Chief Brian Bobowicz, Clinton Township Police Director Robert
Manney, and the New Jersey State Police for their involvement in
this particular operation. I would especially like to thank the
Readington Township Police Department for their perseverance and
for taking the lead during field operations. We remind residents
to continue to be vigilant. If anyone sees anything suspicious or
out of the ordinary, notify police immediately."
The filing of a criminal complaint is merely a step in the
criminal justice process. The defendant is presumed innocent
until the matter is resolved in a court of law.