Driver DWI - Passenger Wanted Person

(DRIVER) Travis L. Barclay, 30, from Glen Ridge, NJ

(PASSENGER) Thomas J. Coats, 27, from Montclair, NJ

On Thursday, June 27, 2013 at 0013 hours, Corporal Chris Heycock stopped a Toyota Camry on Oldwick road for having a missing drivers side mirror and a broken tailight. He detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from Mr. Barclay, who was driving the vehicle and noticed several empty beer cans on the floor of the vehicle. Mr. Barclay was arrested for DWI after he failed standard field sobriety tests. He was later released to a family member and charged with DWI, consumption of an alcoholic beverage by a driver, open container in a motor vehicle, careless driving, maintenance of lamps, and mirrors required.

A records check revealed that Mr. Coats, a passenger in the vehicle, was a wanted person out of Passiac County for possession of a controlled and dangerous substance. Mr. Coats also had a $90 traffic warrant out of the Bloomfield Township Municipal Court. He was released into the custody of the Passiac County Sheriffs Department and charged with consumption of an alcoholic beverage by a passenger and open container in a motor vehicle.

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