Handguns and Marijuana
Matthew S. Telles, 24 from Alexandria, VA.
Terry M. Stewart, 38 from Harrisburg, PA.
On Sunday, July 7, 2013 at 0218 hours, Patrolman Mackiewicz stopped a Honda Accord on State Route 202 near the intersection of Countyline Road after the officer observed the driver make an unsafe lane change. While speaking with Telles (driver) and Stewart (passenger) Patrolman Mackiewicz detected the odor of Marijuana. A search of the vehicle resulted in a small amount of Marijuana and glass pipe being found in the center console of the Honda. Additionaly, two loaded handguns were located in a bag belonging to Stewart. The loaded weapons were a Smith and Wesson 45 caliber revolver and a Kimber 45 caliber pistol registered to Stewart.
Stewart was charged with two counts of unlawful possession of a handgun.
Telles was charged with possession of under 50 grams of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, CDS in a motor vehicle, and unsafe lane change.
Both men were released pending court on July 25, 2013 at 6PM.