Door-to-Door Solicitation
With the nice weather finally here we have seen an increase in applications to solicit door-to door in Readington Township.
In Readington Township, all door-to-door solicitors must possess the Township issued PERMIT FOR SOLICITING. This permit shows the name of the person as well as the product or service they represent. A sample permit is shown below.
Door-to-door solicitors can only sell the product or service listed on their Township issued permit. Solicitation can only be done between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. or sunset, whichever occurs earlier.
If requested to do so, solicitors are required by law to leave your property.
Exemptions from the solicitation permit requirement include individuals who are Political canvassers and candidates are exempted from the door-to-door sales guidelines.
Use Good Judgment:
If the seller is properly identified and is representing a product or service of interest to you, you may choose to do business with them. It is safer not to allow the salesperson into your home.
Avoid paying immediately (especially with cash or credit card). Instead, find out from the seller how you can order directly from the company or receive the bill upon receipt of the product/service.
Do not to let the seller into your home to use the bathroom, the phone or get a drink of water. These requests may be used as a means of gaining access to your home to continue with their pressure tactics, to commit a crime at that time, or to check out your home for a future break-in.
If you feel intimidated, pressured, threatened at any time or if a solicitor will not show you a permit upon request call 908-534-4031 or if an emergency 9-1-1.
The police department
cautions residents against conducting business with any solicitor
who has not been registered with the Township.