DWI Arrests
On Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at 1124 hours, Terry Lee Johnson (46) from Belding Michigan and Doyle Lloyd Barnes 3rd (30) from Sparta Michigan were both arrested for driving while intoxicated. While Johnson was driving the pair on Main Street, they started arguing. While stopped at the traffic light at the intersection of Route 523 and Route 22, Barnes punched Johnson in the face and threw Johnson's cell phone out of a car window. Johnson fled the vehicle and Barnes took over driving.
Barnes was spotted by Corporal Heycock swerving on Route 22 west and was stopped near the Potterstown Road intersection. Barnes was arrested and charged with simple assault, obstruction of justice, careless driving, failure to maintain lane, and driving while intoxticated. Officers located Johnson walking west in the east lanes of Route 22. He was also arrested for drving while intoxicated.
Both were issued summonses and released to a co-worker.