Hunterdon County CrimeStoppers - "How to Keep Your Business Safe"
Hunterdon County Businesses and Business owners are invited to attend a seminar, "How to Keep Your Business Safe" hosted by Crime Stoppers of Hunterdon County in conjunction with the Hunterdon County Prosecutor's Office, the FBI and the Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce. This informative and enlightening seminar will both explain current dangers to the security of their enterprise and demonstrate strategies to protect your business from both physical and cyber threats.
Presentations will be made by:
Hunterdon County Prosecutor, Anthony P. Kearns, III,
Special Agent Michael A. Scimeca, FBI Violent Crimes/Criminal Enterprise Investigations,
Special Agent Edward Quinn, FBI InfraGuard Coordinator,
Chris Kmosko, CGEIT CISSP CRISC (Cloud Security),
Dave Gansfuss, "Refuse to be a Victim" instructor.
A reception with delicious fare will follow the presentations.
See attached flyer for more information