DUI Arrest
On Sunday, July 5, 2015 at approximately 0130 hours, Sgt. Carlos Ferreiro stopped a motor vehicle on Rt. 202 north near Rt. 629 for swerving. The vehicle was operated by Sarah Gomes (23) of Basking Ridge. During the investigation the officer detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating out from inside the vehicle. The officer had Gomes perform Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, which she failed. Gomes was then placed under arrest for DWI. The officer had his canine partner conduct a sniff of the vehicle for narcotics and a positive alert was given by the canine. A later search of the vehicle by the officer and his canine yielded under fifty grams of Marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Gomes was charged with the following: failure to maintain lane, DWI, operating a motor vehicle in possession of CDS, possession of under fifty grams of Marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Gomes was released to a sober adult and is awaiting a future court appearance.