Drug Arrest
On Wednesday, March 9, 2016, at approximately 1517 hours, Sgt. Carlos Ferreiro stopped a motor vehicle on Rt. 202 South near Summer Rd. for the vehicle having two nonfunctioning taillights. The vehicle was occupied by Michael Petersen (driver, age 28 of North Brunswick) and Jacquelin Mills (passenger, age 26 of North Brunswick). During the motor vehicle stop, the officer had his canine partner Polis conduct a sniff of the vehicle. Polis gave a positive indication for the odor of narcotics. A search of the vehicle revealed under fifty grams of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Both individuals denied ownership of the narcotics located in the vehicle and they were both placed under arrest. Petersen was charged with the following: failure to maintain lamps, littering, driving while suspended, and operating a motor vehicle in possession of CDS, possession of under fifty grams of Marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Mills was charged with possession of under fifty grams of Marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Both individuals were released from police custody pending a future court appearance.