Drug Arrest

On Saturday, March 26, 2016, at approximately 2339 hours, Sgt. Ferreiro stopped a motor vehicle on Rt. 22 west near Meck Dr. for the driver littering from the vehicle. The vehicle was operated by Giannamarie Alexatos (age 20) of Lebanon, NJ. During the motor vehicle investigation, the officer had his canine partner Polis conduct a sniff of the vehicle for narcotics. Polis gave a positive indication for the odor of narcotics. A search of the vehicle revealed under fifty grams of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Alexatos was placed under arrest for possession of marijuana. Alexatos was charged with the following: littering from a motor vehicle, operating a motor vehicle in possession of CDS, possession of under fifty grams of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Alexatos was released from police custody pending a future court appearance

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