Readington Teachers vs. Readington Cops

On Friday, March 31, 2017, the teachers from the Readington Township Schools played against the Readington Police Department / PBA 317 in the 3rd Annual Mark Cleere Charity Basketball Game. The teachers were victorious (for the 3rd year) edging out the officers 52-50. However, the score was not as important as the meaning behind the game. Mark Cleere had been a teacher with Readington from 2004-2014 and coached the basketball team at the middle school until he passed away unexpectedly.

Students and parents came out to cheer for their teachers play ball and listen to the Readington Middle School Pep Band who played throughout the game. The night was a big success with gift cards for Darrows Sporting Good's and basketballs supplied by the Readington PBA for a few lucky halftime free throw shooters. All money raised from ticket sales directly goes toward the Mark Cleere Scholarship Fund set up by his fellow teachers.

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