Winter Weather Plan
Readington Township
Snow and Ice Operation Plan
Readington Township strives to provide effective and efficient snow and ice removal to allow motorists to travel safely within the Township during winter weather events. Each event is unique, and the snow and ice control operation changes depending on several factors including but not limited to the amount, type and intensity of precipitation forecasted. Motorists should always use caution and drive appropriately for the road conditions.
The township requests residents minimize travel during a winter
weather event and only venture out
when absolutely necessary. This will assist both DPW and Public
Safety with operations. Also, please
keep in mind that while we would like to insure that the roads
are cleared quickly, we must also look out
for the safety of our employees.
Snow and Ice Control
In response to most winter weather events, the streets and roads
may be treated with salt. If conditions
and accumulations warrant, the Township switches to plowing
Primary Streets and Roadways
During a winter weather event, particularly during the height of
the storm, the Public Works Department
makes every effort to maintain passage of primary streets and
roads that link Readington Township communities to the County and
State Highway system. Once the storm subsides these roads are
cleared of snow and ice as soon as possible, and operations
continue after the end of the storm. Primary roads are defined as
commuter routes and collector streets under the Township
Secondary Streets and Roadways
Secondary roads will not be treated until primary roads have been
cleared. Residential Streets, cul-de-
sacs and courts that are not high volume streets are considered
secondary streets and roadways.
Parking-Off Street
If off-street parking is available to property owners, the Public
Works Department asks that vehicles be
parked in such locations. This will allow crews to move more
efficiently and effectively to clear the
streets and roads without concern for vehicles that may be in the
rights of way and can be a significant
hazard to drivers.
Readington Township Snow Removal Codes:
194-1 Interference by parked vehicle prohibited // - 8747019
194-2 Parking during snowstorm prohibited // - 8747020
Snow Plowed on Sidewalks and Driveways
Snow on Township streets and roads will be plowed to the curb or
shoulder, for areas without curbs.
Previously cleared sidewalks and driveways may be re-covered with
snow. The Public Works
Department asks for property owner's cooperation in removing snow
should this occur. Cleared
sidewalks provide a safe walkway for pedestrians, including
school children.
Mailboxes and Fire Hydrants
Curbside mailboxes may become blocked by plowed snow. The US Post
Office has a policy regarding
access to mailboxes. The US Postal Service does not require all
snow to be removed but that enough
snow is removed to allow the mail delivery vehicle to drive up to
the mailbox for delivery. This is the
responsibility of the postal costumer. Removing snow around fire
hydrants greatly assists the fire department in case of fire in
your neighborhood.
Individual Assistance
The Township cannot address individual requests to be plowed out
due to occupational preference as
this is inefficient and ineffective. Arrangements should be made
in advance with your employer.
Many people require assistance following a snowstorm. The elderly
and disabled often need help in
removing snow from their sidewalks and driveways. Many
organizations are looking for volunteers to
assist those in need during and after snow events. Please look
out for each other.
Additional Assistance