Readington Police Participate in No-Shave November

Readington Township PBA 317 participated in No-Shave November, a fundraising event aimed at evoking conversation about cancer and raising money to help support Remember HSO, a charity whose goal is also to raise awareness as well as honor Lt. Scott Oldenburg, a member of PBA 317 that lost his battle with pancreatic cancer in 2007. PBA 317 donated $100 for each officer that participated and also collected funds via a GoFundMe account created specifically for this event. Raritan Township PBA 337 also participated in No-Shave November and was nice enough to combine the money they collected with ours, bringing the total donated to $5732.23. A check presentation was made to family members of Lt Scott Oldenburg, who were thankful and eager to begin "PAYING IT FORWARD". Readington Township PBA 317 would like to thank those that donated to the GoFundMe initiative as well as those that have donated to our PBA and Raritan Township PBA 377 in the past. Your donations helped this be the success that it was.

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