3D Archery Shoot

Readington Twp. P.B.A Local 317

1st Annual Archery 3D Shoot

August 17th and 18th

Registration: 700am

Shoot starts 7:30am - Noon

Pickel Park, Whitehouse Station, NJ Location: Mountain Rd. off Rt. 523 (behind Readington Twp. Police Department)

Novelty Shoots, Door Prizes, Raffles, 50/50

Delta / Mackenzie Targets for sale at a discounted rate after the shoot

Admission $20.00 (Per Day) or $30.00 for both days (Lunch included)

Children 16 & under $10.00 per day $15.00 for both days (Lunch included)

Proceeds will be given back to our community and its various charitable organizations

Any questions contact Chris Heycock or Carlos Ferreiro at 908-534-4031

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